
ZTE Launches GSM BBU+RRU solution

Voice&Data Bureau
New Update

ZTE announced the official launch of its GSM BBU+RRU solution, which
leverages on fiber-optic remote technology to enable distributed base station
deployment, with base band unit (BBU) that supports up to a record high capacity
of 48TRX. Till now, ZTE has launched distributed base station solutions that
support five different wireless standards, including WCDMA, TD-SCDMA, GSM, CDMA
and WiMax, and is the first to offer a full-scale BBU+RRU solution in the


The BBU+RRU distributed base station is easy to deploy and available at a
very competitive price. The solution was first introduced in 2005 to address the
increasing environmental awareness, rapid deterioration of resources in densely
populated areas, and the soaring cost of traditional macro base station

"With the full-scale BBU+RRU Solution's flexible networking features,
processing speed and lower customer TCO, we again prove that ZTE is committed to
product innovation and differentiation that is tailored to meet our customers'
requirements," said He Zhaogang, GM of ZTE GSM products.

Leveraging on the innovation from the ALL-IP unified hardware platform and
BBU+RRU solution, ZTE has constructed WCDMA network in 20 countries worldwide,
including Libya, Estonia and Nepal.
