
ZTE Introduces Wellbeing Initiatives for Indian Employees

ZTE on Monday announced support initiatives for its employees in India, as the country goes through a tough second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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ZTE announced various key measures to provide aid and support to its employees in India in a press statement.


ZTE to Provide Support to Indian Employees

First, the telecom vendor has set up a COVID Review Team. This team consists of ZTE India senior management and will accommodate and drive employee COVID welfare actions. Also, this team will assess the number of active cases and patterns among staff on a daily basis in order to support them.

Second, ZTE India has secured an Exclusive COVID Insurance for its employees, covering the hospitalization and home isolation costs.


The telecom vendor has also extended "Doctor on Call" services, a subsidized service to help employees get emergency aid. Further, the company has also established a "Help Desk" for employees and their beneficiaries for issues such as medicine, oxygen, and hospital beds.

Healthy ZTE - Healthy India

The company is providing “Healthy India-Healthy ZTE” safety hygiene kits. Also, under this effort, the company has launched its “Get Vaccination” program, to encourage employees and their families to get vaccinated.


The company announced that it will also cover the cost of vaccination for its employees. The company has further set up oxygen concentrators at various locations, with more on the way. Furthermore, it has procured a stock of oxygen canisters for various office locations around the country.

Ashoka Li, CEO, ZTE India, said, “We at ZTE have always believed in the holistic development of our employees and community as a whole. Our employees' wellbeing is our primary concern, and the company will support and assist them.”

The company is also providing its afflicted staff with COVID-related medications and psychological counselling. The company is also sending out regular updates and awareness mails to its staff.

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