
Zero-Sum intros navigation app

V&D Bureau
New Update

Zero-Sum Wireless Solutions India Private Limited, application developer and distributor has launched navigation and map application 'It's NAV' on Google Play for Android smartphone and tablet users in India. The app has been developed by ZENRIN DataCom of Japan, a pioneer in GPS Navigation systems in Japan.


Initially, Zero-Sum Wireless Solutions India will distribute the service through the Google Play store and it also intends to distribute the app through partnering with OEM device manufacturers and carriers in India.

Zero-Sum has developed the Content Management System for the app in India and will also handle the billing integration of the app in India to aid easy expansion and integration with carriers and OEM's in India. The company also plans to integrate this application into various ITS (Intelligent Transport Solutions) and they are currently in discussions with various state government agencies.

The key features of the application includes simulation mode in navigation, real car navigation system, map display in 3D, user-friendly voice guidance system and address search at a house number level available in certain areas. The application will have multilingual navigation interface in English and interface in Hindi and route planning.
