
With 5G, onwards to digital thinking and digital living

The coming technological revolution promises an exciting era ahead that, according to an industry leader, is not going to be short.

Minu Sirsalewala
New Update
With 5G onwards to digital thinking

The coming technological revolution promises an exciting era ahead that, according to an industry leader, is not going to be short of challenges


As the world stands on the cusp of a digital revolution, it is evident that 5G is not just a technological advancement but a paradigm shift, ushering in an era of hyper-connectivity and digital living. An exciting, new world is opening up, though the ride ahead is not going to be without its share of hurdles.

It is evident that 5G is not just a technological advancement but a paradigm shift, ushering in an era of hyper-connectivity and digital living.

In a captivating special address during the Voice&Data Telecom Leadership Forum (TLF) event, Shyam Prabhakar Mardikar, President and Group CTO – Mobility at Reliance Jio, assumed the spotlight to illuminate the ever-evolving terrain of connectivity across a myriad of applications. With an aura of expertise that has been instrumental in shaping the future of connectivity, his insights promised to lead to new ways of thinking about the challenges ahead.


Opening with a fascinating reference to the ancient Chinese curse, “May you live in interesting times”, Mardikar set the tone for an engaging discourse. He acknowledged that we indeed live in captivating times, particularly when it comes to the telecom landscape of India. These are times that promise both challenges and opportunities, he added.

Mardikar’s address touched on several key points:

The 5G milestone: India had embarked on a remarkable journey, deploying nearly a million 5G cells within a span of just ten months, he said with a touch of pride. This astonishing feat, unparalleled globally, signifies India’s rapid progress in the realm of 5G.


5G’s impact on connectivity: Mardikar highlighted that more than 50 million Reliance Jio customers were already using 5G. This transformative technology is not merely an evolution from 4G but a distinct paradigm shift. It brings hyper-connectivity to the forefront, enabling capabilities far beyond conventional connectivity.

Digital thinking: He emphasised the need for a shift from conventional thinking to digital thinking. This digital mindset encompasses a holistic understanding of data processing and its applications, cutting across various domains, including business, finance and technology. It’s about relearning, adapting and embracing a new era of digital living.

The decade of virtuality: He painted a compelling vision of the current decade as the era of virtuality, wherein 5G plays a pivotal role in transforming how we live, work and consume data. It’s a shift from digital connectivity to digital consumption and, ultimately, digital living.


5G’s unique attributes: He underlined 5G’s unique attributes, including its ability to compute on the fly, distribute compute on the network and provide storage. This convergence enables the creation of an elastic, adaptive, and aware network.

The spectrum of services: He went on to illustrate how different services require distinct attributes from 5G. Whether it’s media and entertainment, agriculture, education, or the Internet of Things, each service demands a tailored approach, emphasising speed, latency, and concurrency.

Distributed intelligence: With the advent of 5G, distributed intelligence becomes paramount. It’s about planning networks intelligently, automating processes, and ensuring efficient resource management. The focus shifts from radio planning to holistic network planning.


Infrastructure engineering: Mardikar underlined the importance of infrastructure including towers, power supply and fibre optics. These elements are the building blocks of a robust 5G ecosystem.

Customer-centric approach: Lastly, he stressed the significance of understanding the end user’s needs and behaviour, with a view to creating services that enhance the customer experience and address their evolving demands.

Mardikar summed it up with a profound thought, “There is no greater burden in life than that of having potential.” 5G, with its transformative potential, is poised to revolutionise the telecom industry and pave the way for a digital renaissance.

Shyam Prabhakar Mardikar

Shyam Prabhakar Mardikar

“India deployed nearly a million 5G cells within just ten months. This astonishing feat, unparalleled globally, signifies India’s rapid progress in 5G.”- Shyam Prabhakar Mardikar, President and Group CTO – Mobility, Reliance Jio

The emphasis on a customer-centric approach, coupled with intelligent network planning and robust infrastructure highlights the holistic transformation needed in the telecom industry. As the world embraces the challenges and innovations, 5G stands as the beacon guiding businesses towards a future where connectivity knows no bounds, and where the boundaries between the physical and digital worlds blur, opening new horizons for progress and innovation.
