
Why the launch of 5G prepaid plans is still far off

Telecoms are acting prematurely by announcing 5G prices at this time. It would be preferable that customers to continue using 5G networks.

Ayushi Singh
New Update

Given that 4G is still useful and long-established for the majority of Indian population, some customers would be disinterested to pay anything extra for 5G instantly.


It seems that India's 5G prepaid plans will not be a reality for quite some time. The Indian Telecom Service Providers (TSPs) do not impose any additional fees or new terms on their 4G customers who use 5G. In order to receive a 5G invite, Jio has a requirement that you must recharge for at least Rs 239, whilst Airtel has none. To use 5G on an Airtel Plan all customers need is a valid SIM and an active prepaid 4G plan, there is no minimum recharge necessary.

Why releasing 5G tariffs in the near term won't be a good idea:

It would appear that the telecoms are acting prematurely by announcing 5G prices at this time. In fact, it would be preferable for them to allow customers to continue using 5G networks for a short period of time at no additional expense so they can build a more comprehensive picture of the users' usage patterns. A greater understanding of what the customers are genuinely seeking for would follow from gathering and analyzing this usage pattern and data. As a result, carriers would be able to develop tariffs that cater to the needs of their customers.


Additionally, given that 4G is still useful and long-established for the majority of Indian population, some customers would be disinterested to pay anything extra for 5G instantly. The application cases for 5G indicate that customers won't immediately experience a major direct benefit from the technology.

The insufficiency in widespread coverage is another reason why the telecom operators shouldn't offer 5G rates right away and urge people to sign up for them. Currently, 5G is only available in a select few cities, and even cities where 5G has been introduced, the technology is not fully available.

However, Both Jio and Airtel users require a 5G-enabled smartphone and be within 5G coverage area in order to use 5G services. 18 Indian cities in various states have now in total been covered by Airtel's 5G networks. Vizag was the most recent area to receive Airtel's 5G service.

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