Tata Teleservices is planning to launch its basic service operations in Tamil Nadu and Karnataka in the Ist half of November and plans are to launch Delhi and Gujarat in the Ist half of December says S Ramakrishna, CEO, Tata Teleservices. The company is moving as per the plan, as the company had a plan to launch basic services in all the four states by the third quarter of this fiscal. The Maharashtra launch of WLL will be delayed and Ramakrishna feels that it would be beginning of the next fiscal. Regarding the price of WLL (m) service, Ramakrishna said "We will start with the standard tariff of Rs 200 per month".
On the VPT front, Tata Teleservices has installed around 1,263 VPTs in Andhra Pradesh and the company is planning to start survey in another 1,600 villages very soon added Ramakrishna.
Pravin Prashant