In order to introduce the BharatNet project into its territory, the Tamil Nadu government is at last, acting. The state is a bit late to the faction, but it plans to move quickly. The national government launched the BharatNet project to provide rapid internet access to all of the nation's villages and gram-panchayats. The initiation of the BharatNet project in the state of Tamil Nadu is now officially 'actively' progressing, according to official state confirmation. By the end of the following year, all rural regions are supposed to get high-speed internet connectivity from the state.
According to Palanivel Thiaga Rajan, Tamil Nadu's Minister for Information Technology and Digital Services, the state already has a few tier-2 cities that are fortunate enough to have reliable internet access. According to PTI, the minister also stated that the government's goal is to provide rural areas with 100 Mbps internet service via BharatNet.
The minister attributed the BharatNet project's delays to the previous administration. According to Rajan, all of Tamil Nadu's panchayats should have access to fiber-based, 100 Mbps internet service by this time next year. The state's economy will undoubtedly develop as internet availability spreads to its rural areas and the market for online business expands. In addition, residents would have greater access to online learning possibilities and more opportunities to earn money, both of which they would not have without the internet.
In August, this year, the government had allocated Rs 1,39,579 crore for the next phase of the Bharat Net, which will improve connectivity throughout the country's outlying regions. By achieving this, over the course of the next two years, Bharat Net would grow from the current 1.94 lakh connected villages to 6.40 lakh villages nationwide.
The Universal Service Obligation Fund (USOF) provides funding for the BharatNet Project. Every rural area in India is designated to receive fiber-based internet service under the scheme. The Bharat Net project is being carried out by a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) that was created by the merger of Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL) and Bharat Broadband Network Limited (BBNL).
The Communication Ministry stated that an initial trial operation in four locations led to the decision to pursue the extension project. The initiative was extended to 60,000 villages in eight months, spanning most of the states in the country.
Nearly 1,700 towers were fiberized during the pilot project, and online training is available for fibre installation and maintenance. The government is paying the project's capital costs, and any damage to the optical fibre triggers a robotic alert to the network operation centre. The initiative is expected to generate 2.50 lakh new jobs.