NEW DELHI: The Surat Police in Gujarat is deploying NEC face recognition solution to resolve criminal cases in the city.
Networking and IT solution provider NEC India in collaboration with NEC Corporation and Innovative Telecom & Softwares Pvt will be deploying NEC’s face recognition technology --NEC’s NeoFace Watch for Live CCTV surveillance and NeoFace Reveal for forensic criminal investigation, a statement said.
Rakesh Asthana , Indian Police Service , Police Commissioner of Surat City, said, “We have found NEC ’s f ace recognition solution to be the most appropriate solution with respect to f ace detection and investigation, and it will help Surat Police resolve crime cases in a very speedy manner.”
NeoFace Reveal is a software solution for forensic investigation that provides law enforcement and crime laboratory agencies with the ability to enhance poor quality latent face images, search against their mugshot databases , and locate potential suspects , while NeoFace Watch integrates with existing video surveillance systems and matches faces in real-time against a watch list of individuals to trigger an alert.
Koichiro Koide, Managing Director, NEC India said, “Safety is one of the most important aspects that goes into the making of a smart city. NEC continuously innovates to create and deliver safe city and smart city solutions. Our face recognition technology has been through stringent performance evaluation s and an extensive proof-of-concept process by the Surat Police, and has performed highly in terms of speed and accuracy. We are committed to the Surat City Police in this partnership towards enabling a safer city, and we look forward to future collaborations.”
NEC’s face recognition technology has achieved the highest performance evaluation for the third consecutive time in the recent Face Recognition Vendor Test (FRVT) 2014 performed by the US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).