
Solid Waste Management – 5G and IOT can change the SWM landscape for India

Some Indian cities (Jhansi, Lucknow, Varanasi, South Delhi, Noida, Hubli Dharwad, etc.) have already implemented IoT waste management solutions.

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Some Indian cities (Jhansi, Lucknow, Varanasi, South Delhi, Noida, Hubli Dharwad, etc.) have already implemented IoT waste management solutions. Municipal corporations can closely monitor a city’s entire waste management process


By Deepa Joshi

India, the seventh-largest country in the world, generates 1.43 lakh tonnes of solid waste per day, of which only 24% is processed. While the Government of India’s Swachh Bharat Mission propelled us to maintain cleanliness and manage waste efficiently, the path to success is still hazy.


Mismanagement of Waste is a primary reason behind clogged drainage systems and flooding.

The level of waste the country generates cannot be easily managed with archaic and outdated methods. Some Indian cities (Jhansi, Lucknow, Varanasi, South Delhi, Noida, Hubli Dharwad, etc.) have already implemented IoT waste management solutions. Municipal corporations can closely monitor a city’s entire waste management process.

DASHBOARD Monitoring inside a city

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a network of physical objects embedded with software, sensors, and other technologies, allowing them to connect and exchange data with other devices and systems over the internet. These devices range from run-of-the-mill household items to avant-garde industrial tools.

IoT makes communication between people, processes, and things seamless.

The automated route optimization of garbage pickup vehicles is one of the most common and most effective IoT applications in waste management operations. Indian cities are saving time and money using this application.


Route Optimization

The automated route optimization of garbage pickup vehicles is one of the most common and most effective IoT applications in waste management operations. Indian cities that have already implemented solid waste management systems are saving time and money. Garbage collectors can avoid half-filled bins. They’re routed directly to the sites with full trash bins.


No two disposal units can have the same load each day; it varies by day, week, and season. IoT waste management apps provide sanitation workers with insights into the actual fill level of various disposal units.

Waste collectors get an automated route planned for them that prioritizes areas in urgent need of cleanup and avoids disposal units that still have room, thanks to a user interface that reveals all bins’ locations and fill levels. This results in a more efficient pickup process that does not take into account empty trash bins, saving fuel, time, and staffing costs.

Eliminates Issue of Trash Bin Over Flow


Overflowing bins, not only emit a toxic stench but also cause severe pollution and respiratory issues.

Information gathered by “smart” bins can send alerts if the sensors detect a bin is full. This, in turn, increases waste management efficiency and reduces trash bin overflow.

Waste Categorization


Categorizing waste manually is the most taxing and difficult task.

“SMART WASTE BINS” or “Digital Bins” are smart enough to recognize and categorize waste. These bins can sort waste into four categories: glass, paper, plastic, and metal.

In addition, these bins compress waste and notify sanitation workers when each waste category is full. So, cities that have already implemented IoT-based solutions have happy sanitation workers and benefit from efficient waste management.

How Can IoT Help In Waste Management

Data Analysis

In today’s business environment, data plays a crucial role. Most importantly, how soon you’re able to gather the data matters! The IoT-based waste collection monitoring systems allow authorities to have real-time data to take the right measures.

Waste Categorization

Connected devices not only monitor how quickly the bins fill up, but they also monitor how frequently the bins in various locations are emptied. This allows authorities to track the status of bins throughout the city in real-time. They can immediately plug the gaps and act as they arise with this information.

Joshi is CoFounder, Director Partnerships, Marketing & Finance, Convexicon
