
Showcase Your Skills: How to Design a Professional Website Portfolio

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There are many reasons why people choose to make a professional website portfolio. For example, they can be a great way for freelancers to highlight their best work to date to show any potential clients, or they can help students prove their talent and ability to a prospective employer. It is simply a space that promotes who you are and what you can do. Find out how to develop a professional website portfolio below.


The Perfect Logo

While your website portfolio does not necessarily need to feature your name or a logo, it can be a smart idea if you’re aiming to promote yourself online. Ensure the logo appears professional so it can grab a visitor’s attention for the right reasons. Unless you have exceptional Photoshop skills, it might be worth investing in a professional logo from a qualified graphic designer. You should also guarantee the colors used are recognizable for future clients.

What’s more, you should always feature your logo on the top left of your site. That’s because people in the Western World naturally read from left to right, so it will immediately tell a visitor who you are.


Add a Tagline

Don’t underestimate the power of a tagline when developing a web portfolio. Once a visitor has arrived on your page, they will immediately want to know what you do, so keep the tagline short yet snappy to make them want to work with you. Try to incorporate as much into the tagline as possible, such as your job, area of interest and location – and state if you’re open for a project or employment pitches.

Developing Your Portfolio


How you display your portfolio will more than likely come down to your industry. For instance, a graphic designer should focus on feature high-quality images of their designs, which should also feature an the explanation of the project and their experience. A writing portfolio should feature both visuals and links to third-party sites to direct visitors to read their work. Don’t forget to regularly check that all links point to a live website, too!

Regardless of your industry, you must always feature a short description of your time on the project, and the different skills you used to execute it.

Incorporate a Contact Form


The reason you will have launched a website portfolio in the first place is to encourage potential clients or employers to get in touch, yet you need to do much more than typing your phone number onto a page. Prove you have the professionalism and attention to detail they are looking for by incorporating a contact form onto your contact page. You simply need to find the best contact form plugin, so it will naturally complement your site and will reliably send messages to your inbox.

Add Testimonials

Testimonials will prove you have worked alongside many satisfied clients, employers, or colleagues. It can, therefore, provide a prospective client or employer with confidence in your ability, so they might be more likely to contact you regarding an upcoming project or job role. So, get in touch with your past clients or employers for any positive feedback you can incorporate into your website.


Showcase Your Services

Add a services section that details what you can do for a client or employer. Don’t expect clients to guess what skills you have, and simply tell them how you could benefit their business – even if it’s a service not featured in your portfolio. For example, if you are a writer with exceptional SEO knowledge, they might be more willing to hire someone who can embark on keyword research, PPC campaigns, or link building tactics. Break down every skill you possess to encourage them to get in touch with a pitch.

An About Me Page


People do not want to work with a robot. They want to see there is a genuine person behind the portfolio, so they can decide whether you are the right fit for their business. So, share information about yourself on your about me page, such as your location, academic, and employment background, and how many years you have been in the industry. The more they can learn about, the greater the chance they will contact you with an opportunity.

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