
Ground-based broadcasting framework: TRAI's recommendations

Stakeholders’ comments and counter-comments from the consultation process have been made available on TRAI’s website. An Open House Discussion (OHD) was subsequently held on 20 December 2024.

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TRAI proposes new framework

The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) recently issued its recommendations on the "Regulatory Framework for Ground-based Broadcasters."



The Guidelines for Uplinking and Downlinking of Satellite Television Channels in India, 2022, issued by the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting (MIB), mandate the use of satellite technology by broadcasters to deliver their channels to Distribution Platform Operators (DPOs). Advancements in technology now enable broadcasters to deliver their television channels to DPOs through terrestrial means, such as wireline (cable or fibre) or wireless technologies (cellular, microwave, Wi-Fi) and via the internet or cloud platforms.

Channels transmitted terrestrially can be distributed across multiple DPO networks for re-transmission. In light of these developments, it is essential to establish an enabling regulatory framework that allows service providers to leverage these technological advancements effectively. On 22 May 2024, MIB requested TRAI to provide recommendations on the "Regulatory Framework for Ground-based Broadcasters" under Section 11(1)(a) of the TRAI Act, 1997. In response, TRAI issued a Consultation Paper titled "Regulatory Framework for Ground-based Broadcasters" on 18 October 2024.


Stakeholders’ comments and counter-comments from the consultation process have been made available on TRAI’s website. An Open House Discussion (OHD) was subsequently held on 20 December 2024. Based on stakeholder inputs, the discussions during the OHD, and its own analysis, TRAI has finalised its recommendations.

Key recommendations include: 

Regulatory Framework: The framework for Ground-based Broadcasters should align with the Guidelines for Uplinking and Downlinking of Satellite Television Channels in India, 2022, where applicable to the ground-based model, excluding provisions related to satellite communication.


Scope of Services: Ground-based Broadcasters (GBBs) will provide television channels to DPOs using terrestrial communication methods for onward retransmission.

Technology Flexibility: GBBs may use any terrestrial communication technologies or systems for delivering channels to DPOs. They may employ multiple systems simultaneously, as per their business requirements.

Interoperability: A GBB may transition to or additionally use satellite communication for broadcasting, subject to prior approval from the Central Government. Similarly, Satellite-based Broadcasters (SBBs) may transition to or also use terrestrial methods with the same approvals.


Service Area: The service area for a GBB shall be national in scope.

FAST Channels Compliance: The MIB may evaluate whether Free Ad-Supported Streaming Television (FAST) channels comply with current guidelines and, if required, issue appropriate policies in consultation with TRAI.

Ease of Doing Business: TRAI reiterates its recommendations from 2 May 2023 on Ease of Doing Business in the Telecom and Broadcasting Sector to the extent they apply to GBBs.
