
Motorola launches RAZR, world's slimmest smartphone

VoicenData Bureau
New Update

Motorola Mobility has unveiled RAZR, world's thinnest smartphone with a mere 7.1 mm thickness, in an attempt to revive its once popular brand with an all new touch.


The phone comes with a 4.3 inch super AMOLED display, 1GB of RAM with a dual-core 1.2GHz processor, running on Android 2.3.5 operating system.

RAZR comes preloaded with the Motorola MotoCast app1, which enables downloading of content from home or work computer straight to the device.

The high end smartphone has a 720p HD front facing camera and an 8-megapixel rear-facing camera with 1080p HD video capture and image stabilization to create movies.

“With the new Motorola RAZR we have re-imagined an icon, it’s an impossibly thin smartphone with mind-blowing power making it the most captivating Android-powered smartphone on the scene.” said Ralf Gerbershagen, vice president and general manager, Mobile Devices Europe, Motorola Mobility during the launch.

The phone will be available in Europe starting in November with plenty of accessories.However the launch date in India is not yet disclosed by the company.
