
Mobile App, Data Analytics next big thing: Eric Schmidt

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Mobile application and data analytics will be the next big thing which will attract huge investments and has the potential to revolutionalise the world said Google's executive chairman, Eric Schmidt.


The real big thing as a next generation technology will be when gadgets can do automatic translations. "Bandwidth has been a real problem in India but if YouTube can do well here then probably a lot of other can do," said Schmidt at the NASSCOM event in town..

He said that internet connectivity is poor in India with merely 10% penetration in most of the rural areas.Therefore the country has a lot of opportunity in this sector as when the rural masses of India which accounts upto 600 mn to 800 mn population, start using e-commerce and e-health in their own language then it will change the whole ecosystem. "Chinese internet is bigger than any other internet in the world and their Government is serious to invest more as their is still huge demand for the same," he added.

Taking a note of the importance of Indians and Indian entrepreneurs, he said that almost 40% of the start-ups and new businesses in the Silicon Valley have been sprouted by Indians or by people with Indian originality. Talking about the scope and opportunity Eric said that their are few sectors which need to be taken care off more seriously i..e venture capital industry in India. "It is in a bad condition therefore the risk taking ability is also poor and the role of intermediaries who actually support the new businesses is not properly structured in India."


He also said that Google will keep investing in innovation as he believes that gains from innovation could be more sustainable and can lead to series of advancements.


Talking about the future trend in technology he mentioned Google Glass which is an augmented reality enabled wearable computer with a head-mounted display (HMD) that is being developed by Google in the Project Glass research and development project.


Google Glass displays information in a smartphone-like format hands-free, can interact with the Internet via natural language voice commands, and uses Google's Android operating system. While the frames do not currently have lenses fitted to them, Google is considering partnering with sun-glass retailers such as Ray-Ban or Warby Parker.
