
How Could an International Relations Degree Aid Your Business?

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Although international relations is always a main concern, especially when running a business, it seems to be a topic on everyone’s mind since the latest election. With the president vowing to put Americans back to work by bringing home American businesses now overseas and to bring an end to NAFTA, there is no wonder why we will be heavily relying on graduates with an international relations masters degree. No one can argue that President Trump has sound logic behind his actions, however, some critics claim his international tact leaves a lot to be desired. In other words, he has none and that is exactly what is needed in a global economy.

Begin with NAFTA for a Better Understanding of International Relations

Perhaps by looking at some international affairs issues closer to home you might gain a better understanding of just how important our international affairs graduate programs are in today’s world. President Trump understands that our neighbors to the north and south are benefitting from the trade agreement, North American Free Trade Agreement, signed into law in 1994. The basic concept was to allow trade among the three North American nations (Canada, the United States and Mexico) to trade without the heavy taxes and tariffs imposed on commerce between other foreign countries. If you want to understand why international affairs matter to your small business, check out this website.

Avoiding a Breakdown in Communications

When dealing with foreign entities, the one thing you never want is a breakdown in communications, especially between governments. Many problems have historically arisen due to problems communicating, and this has often led to the brink of war before issues were ironed out. Keeping the channels of communication open not only benefits your company with ongoing trade, but also enables countries to work together, avoiding issues in the future. A degree in international relations, sometimes referred to as an international affairs master, could have helped to avoid a breakdown in communications or the resolution of problems if communications were already strained.

Your Key Takeaway – We Live in a Global Community

The one thing you should understand from the very beginning and remember as long as you are in business doing trade with foreign nations is that we do, indeed, live in a global community. With air travel that can see you on the other side of the world within just a matter of hours, there is no reason for this separationist viewpoint that keeps us warring with our ‘neighbors.’ If you have any hope of succeeding beyond your current market share and are reaching out to a global marketplace, you must keep the lines of communication open.

Understand that different cultures communicate differently than we do and make allowances for that. Learn the benefits of doing business overseas because your market reach is that much greater. There is no reason to limit your business simply because you don’t understand international relations. These are skills which can be learned and should be mastered if you want to continue growing.

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