
"Industry Must Understand the Pains of the Government,"

Voice&Data Bureau
New Update

alt="Anil Bakht, member, IT Task Force" width="269" height="391"> size="2" COLOR="#016077">Anil Bakht is
wearing several hats. He heads a software company; he is a member of the IT Task Force;
and he happens to be the son of Sikandar Bakht, the union Industries minister. In an
interview with
Ibrahim Ahmad, COLOR="#000000"> he unleashes his views on many a development in the
communications industry. Excerpts:

name=""Industry Must Understand the Pains of the Government,""> size="6" face="Arial">"Industry Must Understand the Pains of the Government,"

size="2" face="Arial">Anil Bakht,

member, IT Task Force

IT Task Force has several sub-groups and there is the group on telecom. As infotech and
telecom will go hand in hand, what kind of co-operation is taking place between the two?

face="Times New Roman" size="2">

As of now, there is a
separate group that has been set up for telecom as it is the biggest issue.

size="2" COLOR="#016077">But what about the synergy between them? In the long run,
computers and communications are going to integrate...
face="Times New Roman" size="2">

This is a very senior group
consisting of ministers as well. They can get all the information and inputs that they
want from the IT Task Force and from any other source they want. But this initiative
itself is a very positive thing to happen.

COLOR="#016077">It is being felt that the biggest bottleneck comes from DoT? face="Times New Roman" size="2">

DoT with all its problems is
changing. It might not be fast enough for the private entrepreneur. But I think now we
must focus on the positive developments.

Many senior DoT personnel
have 25-30 years of experience and they have their own ways of doing things. That was the
mandate given to them by the leadership of that time. DoT with four lakh employees is not
very easy to change. There are a lot of issues involved—investments, political will,
letting go of revenues today for benefits that will come tomorrow, and so on. DoT is
concerned about its loss of revenues. One has to approve it. Some minister has to take
that decision. DoT cannot decide to forego revenues.

Is there enough political

I have a very different view
about these initiatives. A lot of political will is needed, but I am thankful about
whatever is happening. These are very positive changes for the IT as well as the telecom
industry. If it was a matter of a few crores of rupees, it would have been easy. But if it
involves several thousand crores rupees, it needs a lot of discussion.

COLOR="#016077">But for a long time, there was no communications minister ... face="Times New Roman" size="2">

That’s true. But now we
have one. Let’s hope things will improve faster now.

COLOR="#016077">Because you are a Task Force member, it seems you are supporting the

As a member of the IT Task
Force, I will have to go beyond my narrow interests as an entrepreneur. I cannot shut my
eyes and say that I am only worried about my profits. We have to understand the priorities
of the industry and the government. The way DoT is co-operating today was unthinkable 10
years ago. We do not want to upset the bandwagon of the bureaucracy, but wherever it needs
to be done in the larger interest, we will do it. We have to work together as a team. The
industry must understand the pains of the Government and vice versa.

COLOR="#016077">But as an entrepreneur are you satisfied with the political will and the
pace of changes?

Though a lot more has to be
done, I am very satisfied. Internet is available in 40 odd cities and will be available in
400 cities in the next one year’s time. Rates for international calls are also coming

COLOR="#016077">How will all the plans be achieved by a government which itself is so

I personally feel that
instability is very good for us. Politicians now want to get things done fast. They know
only politics will not get them success and that people want economic growth and
