
Harshvardhan Singh

Voice&Data Bureau
New Update

Harshvardhan Singh had been involved with TRAI from the very
beginning, first as an economic advisor, and then he continued with the
organization as the secretary. His role in the fledgling organization was
important, as he was one of the few officeholders who had industry experience
due to his stint at the WTO. He played an active role in the issues relating to
bandwidth availability and pricing, and liased with the monopolistic VSNL. Singh
played an important role in gathering the data from DoT on which the
Telecommunication Tariff Order 1999 was based, he was with it right through the
consultation process and finally also played a crucial role in ensuring that the
order was implemented; despite opposition from the incumbent operators. The
sagacity of that pushing through the TTO cannot be questioned today. Currently,
he is a DDG at the WTO.
