NEW DELHI: The Union Minister of State for Home Affairs,Hansraj Gangaram Ahir launched the website, http://npdrr2-mha.net.in, for the ensuing 2nd meeting of National Platform on Disaster Risk Reduction (NPDRR).
This is an exclusive website to share all information related to the NPDRR and keep updating delegates on daily basis about the meeting.
The 2nd meeting of the NPDRR will be held in the last week of April this year in New Delhi on the theme 'Disaster Risk Reduction for Sustainable Development: Making India Resilient by 2030'. The first meeting of NPDRR was held during May 13 -14, 2013 in New Delhi on the theme 'Mainstreaming DRR in Development: From Risk to Resilience'.
The NPDRR is a multi-stakeholder National Platform headed by the Union Home Minister and consists of representatives from Central Government, State Governments, Local Self Governments, Parliament, Specialised agencies dealing with disaster, Institutions of National Importance, Industry, Media, Civil Society Organizations and International Organizations. The NPDRR promotes participatory decision making in disaster management and strengthens federal policy of our country.
Besides opening and valedictory sessions, the second meeting of NPDRR will have one plenary session, 5 technical sessions, exclusive Ministerial Session, and one session on the pre-events of this NPDRR. This meeting would sensitize the participants about important initiatives at global and national level on Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), including Asian Ministerial Conference for Disaster Risk Reduction in 2016, the Asia Regional Plan 2016, and the Prime Minister’s 10 point agenda on DRR.
It would discuss and evolve various actionable points pertaining to four priority areas of Sendai Framework on DRR to make our country disaster resilient. About 1,000 participants including members of NPDRR, selected representatives from the State/UT Governments, Central Governments, public sector organizations, institutions of national importance, private sector, financial institutions, professional experts and Non-Governmental Organizations are likely to attend the meeting.
National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) and National Institute of Disaster Management (NIDM) are organizing 10 pre-events on different aspect of DRR in collaboration with their partner organizations as a build up to this 2nd meeting of NPDRR. A national level slogan competition on "Role of NPDRR in disaster management" has been launched on March 31, 2017 to enhance citizen's involvement in Disaster Management.