
FUEL CELLS : A Zero Emission Quest

Voice&Data Bureau
New Update

Technology developers all across the globe are inculcating the habit of
adding 'Green' label to their research and development, as the Kyoto Protocol
1997 has urged the countries to reduce their green house gas emission or pay if
they cross the stipulated carbon credits given to them.


However, business has to be done and expansion is always on the card for
growing businesses. Telecommunication industry is one of the fastest growing
businesses. The fossil fuel burnt in diesel generators is a burden on
telecommunications service providers' revenues as well as on the environment
because of carbon emissions.

Energy management service providers on BTS sites are now looking at fuel
cells as an option. There are a number of benefits of using fuel cells. Fuel
cells are able to operate as long as fuel is available and can be remotely
monitored from one location. There are technical provisions that alert the
operator long before re-fueling is required. Fuel cells have an edge over
battery as they require considerably less space required for the same period of
runtime. Unlike batteries, fuel cells does not require cooling.

Technically, fuel cells are electrochemical devices that combine fuel with
oxygen from the ambient air to produce electricity, and its by-product are heat
and water. It does not burn the fuel, but the electrochemical process in it is a
direct form of fuel-to-energy conversion. Thus fuel cells emit less carbon, in
case carbon based fuel is being used. Though hydrogen rich fuel is the preferred
choice for fuel cells which adds strength to idea of deploying these.


There are different kind of fuel cells based on their electrolyte. Fuels can
be both gaseous fuels such as Hydrogen and Natural Gas as well as liquid fuel
like methanol and ethanol. Out of the various fuel cells, Polymer Electrolyte
Membrane Fuel Cell (PEMFC) aka Proton Exchange Membrane fuel cells and Alkaline
Fuel Cells (AFC) are considered most suitable for powering base stations, tower
antenna sites, remote power and wireless networks.

Both AFC and PEMFC use pure hydrogen based fuel.


People often confuse fuel cell with hydrogen cell but fuel cell can be
ideally environmental friendly if it uses pure hydrogen as fuel.

Arranging a hydrogen rich fuel for fuel cells is a big challenge as of now.
Scientists at National Chemical Laboratory in India have demonstrated 5kW fuel
cell power pack that could generate 5kW power based on hydrogen produced by
steam reforming of LPG. The hydrogen required to power PEM and AFC fuel cells
can either be generated by reforming hydrocarbon fuels, or by electrolysis of
water which can produce renewable fuels if the electricity required to power the
electrolyzer is generated from renewable energy sources. The equipment required
to produce and supply fuel is collectively referred to as infrastructure.

Environmental engineers are using fuel cells that run on wastewater. The
cells use microbes to break down organic matter in waste water. The matter in
turn releases hydrogen and electrons.


Apart from fuel it is the cost of fuel cells that is hindering its widespread
adaption. At present, the most competitive fuel cells cost up to fifty times
more per kW of engine power than a standard gasoline fueled internal combustion
engine, though fuel efficiency is twice as high. But prices are expected to fall
when the demand increases. Companies manufacturing fuel cells claim that its
cost is recovered over the fuel cells lifetime

Prasoon Srivastava
