Dr Arogyaswami Joseph Paulraj is a stalwart in the field of
multiple-antenna communications. At the Stanford University in the 1990s, he
began ground-breaking work that helped shape worldwide research and development
in MIMO (multiple input, multiple output) technology. The work earned him the
title of Father of MIMO Smart Antennas. The technology has since been adopted in
several worldwide standards for wireless technologies including WiFi, WiMAX, 3G
and 3.5G.
Prior to this, Dr Paulraj served in the Indian Navy as chief
scientist of the Central Research Lab of Bharat Electronics and director of both
the Center for the Development of Advanced Computing (CDAC) and the Center for
Artificial Intelligence and Robotics (CAIR). Here his research was focused on
modernization of communication antennas.
Dr Paulraj is also an advising faculty member at the Stanford
Center for Position, Navigation and Time that is working on advancing the GPS to
enhance resolution and reliability in location information. He has currently
taken the reins of Beceem Communications Inc, as the CTO.
Dr Paulraj was awarded Technical Achievement Award from the Signal Processing
Society of the IEEE in 2003. He is author of about 300 research publications and
holds 23 patents.