Narad, networks Dev Gupta's new analog signal processor designed in silicon
germanium (SiGe) doubled, and later quintupled, the bandwidth of coaxial cable
networks, enabling 100 Mbps access to SMBs and to homes. Narad Networks has
developed managed broadband access solutions that deliver managed bandwidth to a
level consistent with the capacity of the optical network core. Gupta has come
to be regarded as an expert in broadband and network access infrastructure
technologies. Prior to Narad, he founded two companies-MaxComm Technologies
(developed residential and telephone central office products for voice and data
integration) and Dagaz Technologies (digital subscriber line access multiplexors
and associated customer premises equipment). Both companies were acquired by
Cisco for around $267 mn. He had also served as vice president of architecture
and technology at Cisco's access business unit, and senior level management
positions at Bell Labs.
Dev Gupta
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