
Demand for Auction of V-Band Spectrum is Anti-Consumer, Anti Reforms and Anti-Digital India: Brand India Forum

Voice&Data Bureau
New Update

As per media reports, it is understood that a section of the industry has embarked on powerful lobbying at the highest levels to try and stop DoT from delicensing spectrum in the V-Band. The decision to delicense these bands is based not only in global best practice, but has also been specifically recommended by the Telecommunication Regulatory Authority of India. BIF strongly condemns such attempts to harm the interests of the consumers and the economy.


BIF firmly believes any move to advocate and call for the auction of V-Band spectrum goes against the very spirit of Digital India, is anti-reforms and obstructionist to the progress and proliferation of broadband in the country. It will snatch away the possible digital gifts to the general public and shut the door on the plethora of opportunities waiting to be unleashed by the unconnected for transforming their lives.

Shri TV Ramachandran, President, Broadband India Forum said, “We warmly laud the long-standing recommendations of the TRAI and believe that there is absolutely no merit in auctioning of V-Band spectrum. This band is meant for Wi-Fi and very short backhaul only and will go a long way in meeting the data download capacity of the country, which is abysmally low. Any recommendation to auction it is hypocritical, self-seeking and grossly anti-consumer. Such a retrograde move stifles innovation, destroys the business case around both conventional telcos as well as the new age digital players rather than improving incumbent financial viability”.

bif v-band