
CleverTap to help Curiosity manage effective content distribution

Curiosity has chosen CleverTap as its provider for behavioral analytics and app engagement.

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BENGALURU: Chicago-based content marketplace for knowledge seekers, Curiosity has chosen CleverTap as its provider for behavioral analytics and app engagement.


CleverTap says that its multi-channel marketing suite will drive customer growth across the US, APAC and Europe. For content providers, content aggregation and contextual content distribution are critical to success.

CleverTap will help Curiosity in effective content distribution by personalizing content, based on user preferences, and retaining users via real-time engagement. Targeted dynamic micro-segments that evolve over time help Curiosity to evaluate and measure the effectiveness of their marketing campaigns and focus on channels that are providing the optimal ROI.

“In today’s world, the better a business understands their users, the higher is the probability of the brand not being left-swiped from a user’s mobile phone said Manish Patel, Head of Customer Success at CleverTap. “An exceptional customer experience is a three-prong strategy – understanding your user, building a product that fulfills the user’s needs and then continuing to service users in a personalized way using the device and marketing channel of their choice. Curiosity’s approach to customer acquisition and retention is what sets them apart and gives them a sustained competitive advantage.”

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