
Bizversity App Allows Employees To Forge Ahead in their Career

Malavika Sacchdeva
New Update

In an exclusive conversation with Voice&Data, Dale Beaumont, Founder talks about Bizversity, a mobile app which allows employees to forge ahead in their careers, from the comfort of their smartphones. The app is distinctive within its approach toward business education through its unique ability to provide a personalized program that aligns with both an individual’s interests and professional development.


The app offers users the opportunity to explore 80 different business-related topics, including accounting system auditing, SEO analysis, and strategic marketing with all topics presented through on-demand, ‘how to’’ styled training videos. Each session is guided by a leading industry expert that engages with the user, as well as an AI virtual assistant to aid in the learning experience. Excerpts:

 Q. What inspired you to create Bizversity?

When it comes to career development, up until now, your options have been; read thousands of articles on the web, waste your time trawling through mostly poor quality videos on YouTube, or spend upwards of $40,000 to do an MBA – 90% of which is theoretical, out of date and doesn’t apply in the real world.


That’s why we built Bizversity, a purpose-built learning platform that offers you a world-class business education from the world’s best teachers, in a way that is; Fast, Practical, Personal, Affordable and Fun.

Already we have had over 60,000 people from 122 countries sign up for our service and many are now converting to our membership plans.

Q. What is so special about the app? How is it different from your competitors?


At the core of Bizversity are purpose-built mobile and tablet Apps (iOS and Android), which offers users a set of amazing features that you simply can’t find anywhere else.

Next, knowing that business people rarely have the time to sit and read, we created a library of over 1,000+ training videos, which you can watch anywhere, anytime.

However, because we know business people spend between 5-20 hours a week in a vehicle traveling to and from work, we build a clever piece of technology called ‘Learn Switch’, which gives you the ability to tap a button and seamlessly switch between Video and Audio modes.


Other awesome features include the ability to create a personal playlist, forward videos to your friends, choose your streaming quality and the ability to speed up our content so you can watch or listen at 2x, 3x or 4x speed.

Plus, in the very near future, you will be able to download videos directly to your device. This will give you the ability to watch content offline when you are on airplanes or while traveling overseas.

Finally, at the end of the long day who doesn’t enjoy putting their feet up. So we built an amazing TV App, which enables you to turn your lounge room into a front-row learning room.


The result of all this is users learn 5x to 10x more with Bizversity compared to any other product.

Q. How will the app help the job seekers?

In business, there is a saying, "The more you learn, the more you earn". And to extend this further, the greater your chance of nailing your dream job and making more money.


Within Bizversity we have training on over 80 business topics. They include things like marketing, leadership, time management, customer service, social media and more.

Plus, the best part is our training is available to you on demand and accessible to you anywhere, anytime.

Q. What is your GTM strategy for Indian Market?


We are proud to say that already India is our third biggest market, after the United States and Australia.

This is been achieved by people searching organically for things like, 'business training', 'business education' and 'business growth' in the App store on their mobile phone.

We have also secured any new users in India by redirecting traffic from YouTube to our website and by content partnerships with a number of business influencers.

While happy with the start we have made, we are always looking for more ways to grow, so if any of your readers see an opportunity, we would love to hear from them.

Q. According to you, how important is the mobile app in today's world?

Mobile apps are now more important than ever before because it is the one device that people have with them everywhere they go and the app because effectively it's your shop front in the new digital economy. So if you are in a business that doesn't have an App, you are missing out.

careers mobile-app bizversity