As an advisor in the Ministry of Finance during the formation
of NTP 1999, Arvind Virmani argued for complete de-licensing of entry into (and
exit from) Telecom services coupled with competitive auction of tradable
spectrum permits. The former was to be achieved through an amendment of the
Telegraph Act to replace the public monopoly provisions to "promote
competition." Upon his suggestion, TRAI recommended de-licensing in telecom
sector to the government, which was subsequently accepted. He also played a
crucial role in eliminating 'natural monopoly' in providing last mile link
between the customer and the local exchange.
On merger and acquisition front, he suggested not allowing of M&A if the
emerged entity has more than 1/4th of the National telecom market. As an eminent
economist, he was director & chief executive, Indian Council for Research on
International Economic Relations (ICRIER) and also a member of TRAI.