The cost of Apple TV+ is Rs 99 per month. But you may purchase the Tata Play Binge subscription if you also want access to other OTT services. However, if you choose the Rs 399 per month plan, only the is Apple TV+ included in your Tata Play Binge subscription.
Apple TV+ is now a part of the combined OTT (over-the-top) service offered by Tata Play, a major DTH (Direct-to-Home) service provider in India. The service we are referring to is Tata Play Binge. Until recently, Tata Play Binge was exclusively available to customers who purchased the Tata Play Binge+ STB (Set-Top Box). However, it is now a standalone plan that is accessible to everyone. Some of the biggest OTT platforms in India and around the world are available to subscribers through the Tata Play Binge service. The business has now also chosen to include access to Apple TV+ as part of the Binge offering.
The cost of Apple TV+ is Rs 99 per month. But you may purchase the Tata Play Binge subscription if you also want access to other OTT services. However, if you choose the Rs 399 per month plan, only the is Apple TV+ included in your Tata Play Binge subscription. Some people may find this to be quite pricey, but if you are paying for several OTT platforms each month, the Tata Play Binge subscription is probably a more cost-effective option for you.
Apple is making investments in high-caliber productions and is quite selective about the series and films that are uploaded to its platform. In addition, a few well-known shows are returning for fresh seasons. Some of the most watched TV programmes in the world belong to the platform, including Ted Lasso, The Morning Show, See, among others. Additionally, there are a tonne of films.
If anyone was ever interested in Apple TV+, now might be the ideal time to sign up for the Tata Play Binge service. You can only access Apple TV+ at Rs 99 per month, as mentioned.