
APIs are vital components for business success: CA Technologies global study

Results from a CA Technologies global study reveal that APIs are vital components for business success and thriving in the application economy.

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BENGALURU: Results from a CA Technologies global study reveal that APIs are vital components for business success and thriving in the application economy.


Eighty-eight percent of surveyed organizations are using APIs, and those organizations reporting the greatest success with APIs are advanced in how they manage the full API life cycle (51 percent). This group of advanced organizations are seeing advantages in digital reach, time-to-market with new apps, transaction volumes and better customer experiences.

The study, “APIs: Building a Connected Business in the App Economy,” examines responses from 1,770 senior business and IT executives about how they are using APIs and the business impact their API programs are having. The study includes an API management maturity model to assess where organizations are in their management of the APIs – advanced, basic or limited/none.

the study enlightens that those respondents with advanced full life cycle API management demonstrate at least 80 percent of these capabilities: connect legacy and current systems; rapidly create APIs in order to safely expose data; integrate with back-end data and legacy apps; protect integrations with the right levels of security; accelerate mobile development; and unlock the value of the resulting digital ecosystems through analytics and monetization.

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