Bharti Airtel said in a statement on Tuesday that it is proactively assuring that network connectivity is available throughout Chennai in the wake of Cyclone Michaung. Cyclone Michaung has badly damaged Chennai, the capital of Tamil Nadu, forcing residents to stay indoors. To prevent unintentional situations, the city was forced to halt the trains and airplanes. The telecom infrastructure can be overpowered by cyclones, and any harm done to it could result in users losing connectivity.
According to Airtel, users don't have to worry about losing network connectivity. To make sure there is a sufficient supply of backup infrastructure and power to maintain the mobile networks, the telecom has taken the appropriate precautions. One city where Airtel has already introduced 5G is Chennai, which also provides 4G coverage to a sizable user base.
As cyclone Michaung intensifies into a powerful cyclonic storm, our priority is to guarantee that our customers maintain connectivity within this unfortunate event, said Airtel. Our teams on the ground are preparing to handle any unforeseen circumstances. In order to keep an eye on things, we've built up a war room that is manned around-the-clock and added personnel. Additionally, backup network hardware is present. We have extra fuel on hand in case there is a power outage, so that our sites can continue to get power. Bharti Airtel stated, "We are doing everything we can to make sure that our clients can continue to communicate with their loved ones."
To keep an eye on things, the telecom has established a war room that is open around-the-clock. In order to guarantee that there are adequate staff in the area to maintain the networks, Airtel has also dispatched more personnel. Additionally, mobile sites have a plan in place for additional fuel in case the power goes out.
In a recent flood crisis that gripped Sikkim, Bharti Airtel, demonstrated remarkable resilience and swung into action by leveraging innovative solutions such as drones to restore connectivity to the region. The devastating flood that Sikkim witnessed in early October, fueled by relentless monsoon rains, wreaked havoc on the region’s infrastructure, causing severe disruptions, especially in communication networks.
As a lifeline for residents and businesses alike, Airtel’s fibre optic network faced a major breakdown, threatening to compound the challenges posed by the natural disaster. Recognizing the urgency of the situation, Airtel partnered with IG Drones, a drone company, to explore possible innovative solutions for the swift restoration of fibre optic connectivity.