
5 most common myths around 5G

Modern technologies, including 5G are developing quickly with new discoveries and developments that improve our way of life.

Ayushi Singh
New Update
Device Financing: Bridging the 5G Affordability Gap

Modern technologies, including 5G are developing quickly with new discoveries and developments that improve our way of life. Some myths, though have developed around the technology. Let's disapprove the narrative and discover some facts.


1- 5G will replace 4G and the phone needs to be changed once 5G services are introduced

In reality, 4G technology is not being replaced by 5G. Instead, 5G builds on top of existing 4G network with its own technologies. That implies that consumers will be able to use their 4G phones even if 5G is available in a certain location.

Although 5G enabled phones are required to use 5G networks, when 5G networks are deployed, users of 4G phones may also notice higher speeds.


Due to dynamic spectrum sharing (DSS) technologies, carriers can us the same spectrum band for 4G and 5G ,carriers will therefore maintain 4G lanes open as users transition to 5G in order to accommodate smart home gadgets and users who haven't yet done so.

2- Only mobile phones can use 5G

The majority of people believe that 5G is just a new technology used by mobile phones. It is not true in 5G's case. The architecture of 5G technology alters how the internet functions on mobile devices.


Due to its incredibly fast speed, low latency, and excellent connectivity, it will benefit the industrial world. Everything from businesses to gaming will experience a significant change.

With the extraordinary capacity of 5G network, our smartphones along with other devices that require connectivity will be able to connect.

3- No distinction from 4G


The key disctinction between 4G and 5G is that 5G has high standards for base stations, download rates, latency, and cell density.

Users can enjoy high-definition streaming and video viewing at speeds of upto 20 Gbps with latency as low as 1 ms. 5G is more about the experience, and it offers endless potential for performance.

4- 5G can lead to cancer


Simply put, No. Neither brain tumours nor cancer are brought on by 5G.

The complete electromagnetic spectrum is made up by two categories of radiation. Ionizing radiation, which kills and the other is non-ionizing radiation, that is not responsible for killing people. Technology for 5G mobile network uses non-ionizing radio waves for transmission.

The 28 gigahertz (GHz) and 39 GHz frequencies, which are under consideration for 5G millimetre wave, which has an incredibly short wavelength, are both in the non-ionizing region of the electromagnetic spectrum, which is where all frequency ranges used for cellular communication are located.


According to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) exposure recommendations, specify that humans can be exposed to radiation between 300 kilohertz and 100 GHz, are compliant with 5G technology. Frequency range of 5G technology currently is 25.250 GHz to less than 100 GHz.

5- 5G will displace Wi-Fi

Both technologies are distinct from one another and serve distinct purposes. Wi-Fi connects devices within short ranges and is less expensive than 5G which offers cellular connectivity. Wi-Fi will continue to exist alongside 5G.

4g myths 5g wi-fi