
'With FMC, focus will be on IP voice and applications'

Voice&Data Bureau
New Update

Mobile enterprise solutions are gaining popularity around the world, what
are its prospects in India?

These are interesting times for the business of mobile solutions globally.
People are increasingly becoming mobile in both their personal and professional
lives and more than 30% of the workforce in Europe is mobile. In India too, the
mobile workforce is driving up demand for mobile applications. The market for
these applications is being fuelled by the penetration of mobile devices such as
laptops. Currently, the customers are using multiple devices for various
services and content. This is also an opportunity for mobile solutions as it
indicates a customer preference for selecting the best content and service that
are there.


 And there are statistics to show
that employees using wireless e-mail can recover about 55 minutes a day and this
will increase to 80 minutes by the end of 2007. However, despite the fact that
82% of people claim to use mobile devices for business, just 12% of employees
are provided devices by their companies, so the opportunities are still immense
not just in India, but globally as well.

In providing the mobile applications, how does Nokia plan to overcome the
QoS issues related to the mobile networks?

We work with some of the most demanding markets in the world, and the
quality standards are the same all over the world. Ultimately, the QoS depends
to a large degree on the operator's network. From our end we ensure that the
hardware and the applications are capable of offering the highest QoS levels.
Also, our solutions work both on GSM and CDMA networks, so technology does not
come in the way of customers using these applications and devices.

These applications may be e-mail, voice, or other enterprise applications and
resources. Nokia's flagship products, the 9500 communicator and 9300
smartphones can allow users this freedom of using the enterprise resources while
on the move.


Despite the acknowledged value of mobility within the enterprise, building a
solid business case for widespread deployment requires knowledge and time.
Mobile data is far from mass penetration.

Mobile data has taken off slowly, as evidenced by analysts' forecasts. RIM
BlackBerry's 2 mn customers represent just a fraction of the 2 bn plus mobile
phone users worldwide.

What are Nokia's initiatives for promoting such converged networks in
India? Is Nokia also developing enterprise solutions for FMC environments?

Fixed mobility convergence takes away the problems of being stranded at one
place. The opportunity for this market is huge. With fixed mobile convergence
sure to come, the focus will now be more on IP voice and applications. Nokia has
also acquired Intellisync, a leader in platform-independent

wireless messaging and applications for mobile devices.


The acquisition enhances Nokia's ability to be at the core of any mobility
solution for businesses of all sizes, as many other vendors also use

Intellisync's solutions.

Alok Singh
