The Bangalore based United Telecoms Ltd has announced the launch of WIWO mobiles, the first of its kind radiation certified handsets in India which also offer user menus in five Indian languages. WIWO offers an 'Indian solution' by providing regional customers a choice of 5 Indian language menus; Kannada, Telugu, Tamil, Malayalam and Hindi apart from English. With a peppy tagline “the new hello”, WIWO enters the market with eight brand new, eye-catching, world class design models, loaded with innovative features and applications.
This feature rich and affordable range of mobile handsets from WIWO comes to the market with trend-setting designs and a horde of differentiating features like noise cancelling ear plugs, dual battery, replaceable extra speaker, WIWO user interface and animation, motion sensor and power torch. Additional features like 3.5mm music jack in low end phones, camera, bluetooth and expandable memory make the WIWO phones an exciting buy for the discerning consumer.