
Rank 18: Bharti Mobile: Upwardly Mobile

Voice&Data Bureau
New Update

Bharti Mobile Ltd, a subsidiary of Bharti Televentures, offers services in
Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, and Punjab, under the brand name Airtel. During the
fiscal 2001-02, the company consolidated its market share in the three circles.
The company, as on March 2002, had a total subscriber base of 510,971, and is
estimated to have done a total business of Rs 479.9 crore.


While in Karnataka, it has been a clear leader with a market share close to
58 percent, in AP it is very closely behind Idea Cellular with a market share of
47.5 percent in terms of subscriber base. In Punjab, within a couple of months
of operation, it garnered about 40,187 subscribers.

It can be considered a very significant year for Bharti Mobile. Following its
acquisition of JT Mobiles in the previous year, it transformed to consolidate
its subscriber base, revenues and networks. It can clearly be known as the year
of technology deployment for this company. It invested in technologies like the
Kenan billing system, moved on to the IN platform, and geared up to launch 32k
SIM, and GPRS. Now that it has consolidated on the technology front, it has
ambitious plans to consolidate its business and services. It already has its new
brand strategy. As a part of the strategy, it wants to meet the evolving needs
of the mobile service customers and keep the tariff plans as simple as possible,
suiting to the needs of various segments of customers.






Jagdish Kini
Area of
: Cellular services
Address: : 47, Millers Tank Bund Road, Bangalore 560 052
Tel : 080-2282211
Fax: : 080-2282200
Web site :
Strength : Pan-India brand and commitment
Weakness : Customer service
Opportunity : Mobile data services
Threat : Focused fourth cellular operator and limited mobility operators