
MTNL to Augment Capacity in Mumbai

Voice&Data Bureau
New Update

After buckling under bad debts, which is rumoured to be around Rs 40 cr and drawing much flak for lackadaisical customer care, MTNL's Dolphin services in Mumbai seem to be finally getting its act together. As the first step, this PSU company is going to add 1 lakh 25 thousand lines more by Decemeber and has already placed the order with Lucent.


Currently, the company has an installed capacity for one lakh customers, which it achieved way back in March, 2002. MTNL has also opened up two Doplhin centers in Malad and Thane to take care of issues related to its mobile services, which came under much fire from customers for shabby service. Apart from these two centers, MTNL has also opened up a call center to cater to the customer service requirements.

Also, MTNL has fulled another round of price war by slashing tariffs for its pre-paid card Trump to 80 paise per thirty second pulse. It also offers talktime worth full value of the card and would reimburse Rs 225, price of the sim card, to the subscriber after 6 months. On the post-paid front, Dolphin has reduced activation charge to rs 210 from 1050 and security deposit for local dialling customers from Rs 2000 to Rs 1000.

Jeevan MT
