Huawei on Wednesday launched seven new Wi-Fi open data cards in India. The company has launched two new Wi-Fi data cards under its Laptopi-Fi category.
Huawei Laptopi-Fi datacards allow users to turn their laptop into an internet hotspot for upto 5 devices.
" These Wi-Fi datacards include E303FH and E3531," the company mentioned in its statement.
"These dongles also allow users to make voice calls and SMS. E303FH and E3531 provide a download speed of 14.4Mbps and 21.6 Mbps respectively and an upload speed of 5.76Mbps that enable users to share data at a high-speed," the company said in a statement.
Under this Power-Fi category, Huawei has launched two devices E8231 and E8221 which come with in-built Wi-Fi module and require a power source connectivity like a car charging point, power mains or laptops to create a Wi-Fi hotspot. Both the devices can connect up to 10 devices at a time. E8231 allow users to download at a speed of 21.6 Mbps and E8221 enables users to download at a speed of 14.4 Mbps and upload speeds of 5.76 Mbps.
With Huawei's newly launched Mobi-Fi devices- E5220, E5151 and E5730, users can enjoy the freedom to take the internet wherever they go. With one touch Wi-Fi hotspot creation capability, all the three Wi-Fi routers can connect up to 10 devices instantly.
"The device offers blazing fast 21.6 Mbps download speeds. E5220, E5151 and E5730 are powered with a 1150mAh, 1500mAh and a 5200mAh battery respectively to provide long working time without connecting to a power source. Both E5151 and E5730 assist users to access internet via 3G/2G network or through Ethernet port seamlessly & effortlessly. Ethernet port also allows users to carry it around and use it as a portable router and when back home or in office, it could get connected with the Ethernet cable to function as a stationary router, offering wireless signal," it said.
The new range of data card will be available at (E5220) Rs 4299, (E5151) Rs 4, 999, (E8221) Rs 2, 499 (E8231) Rs 2, 999, (E303FH) Rs 1, 899 and (E3531) Rs 1,999.