Dahod moved to Andover from Bombay in 1973 at the beginning of
his illustrious career that brought him accolades worldwide. This serial
entrepreneur has founded several network companies that have produced
path-breaking products to help telecom carriers worldwide.
Dahod co-founded a company, Starent Networks, which created the
ST16 Intelligent Mobile Gateway-the first solution to seamlessly deliver
enhanced data, voice and multimedia services to wireless subscribers.
The Massachusetts Network Communications Council (MassNetComms)
named Dahod as the 'CEO of the Year' for guiding Starent Networks Corp. to a
market leader in the mobile wireless infrastructure market. Starent Networks has
become a major provider of packet-core solutions to mobile operators worldwide
with more than 30 deployments. Earlier, Dahod founded NetCore Systems, Sigma
Networks and Applitek Corporation, all of which were successfully acquired by
the likes of Tellabs, Cabletron and Bay Networks.