
Aricent Joins OpenSAF Foundation

Voice&Data Bureau
New Update

Aricent has joined the OpenSAF Foundation. OpenSAF is an open source community with projects focused on high availability middleware, consistent with the Service AvailabilityTM Forum (SA Forum) specifications. The OpenSAF Foundation was established by leading communications and enterprise computing companies to facilitate the OpenSAF Project and accelerate the adoption of the OpenSAF code base in commercial products.Aricent has an expertise in building middleware and high availability solutions for major telecommunications equipment manufacturers. By embracing OpenSAF, Aricent will be able to deliver these services on a standardized platform that allows companies to effectively combine their own Intellectual Property with source code available under a Lesser General Public License (LGPL) v2.1 open source license. Alan Meyer, president, OpenSAF Foundation, said, “Aricent is a leading provider of global telecom R&D services. We look forward to their contribution to the Foundation and the industry at large, by expanding the installed base and range of services and products that incorporate OpenSAF software.”
