
Free data for non-data users from Videocon

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New Delhi: Taking the PM’s vision of Digital India forward, Videocon Telecom, has announced free data for its all non-data users subscribers as an initiative to educate and encourage them to start using data and get digitally connected.


The telco has set up a free helpline and extended demonstration stations at all its exclusive branded ‘Videocon Connect’ Retail to educate them on the knowhow of data usage. With a trial offer of 750 MB of free data for all such subscribers valid for 2 months, the telco plans to give away over 1,500 TB of free data to such subscribers.

The telco conducted a study on these non-data users to understand their reasons for not using data, and found out that over 86% of these non users having data enabled handsets aspire to use data but are reluctant to do so. The study suggested the two key reasons being 1) Inadequate knowledge and that initial hesitation to ask someone on knowhow. 2) Perception of data cost being high.

The telco plans to address both these concerns by educating such first-time users through a newly setup Digital helpline, and demonstration stations at its exclusive branded ‘Videocon Connect’ stores. These first time users will be extended basic knowhow of using mobile data including browsing the net, using search engines, setting up various social media accounts etc.

The telco will also be offering free data of 750 MB valid for 2 months as a trial offer for all such subscribers. To avail this free data, subscribers will just needs to give a missed call on a pre-defined number, and based on eligibility, subscribers will be extended free data followed by a call from the Digital Helpline on the knowhow. With the initiative, the telco is also expecting customers to upgrade their handsets to data enabled handsets.

videocon-telecom non-data-users